Viewing My Time-Off History Report
If you are an employee and have any questions about your paychecks, W-2s, or using the employee portal, please contact your employer. Patriot Support staff cannot answer your questions via chat, email, or phone. We can only speak with authorized company contacts.
If your employer tracks time off, you can view details in the Time-Off History Report in your employee portal.
- Click “Time-Off History” under the Reports list.
- The Hour Type (such as vacation or sick time) will display at the top of the report. If your employer keeps track of more than one Hour Type, select from the dropdown list.
- Enter the start and end date range for the time-off you want to view.
- Click Run Report.
The report will show any activity within the date range where time-off hours were added or taken, the available balance, and the source of the activity. For example, if your employer tracks vacation time, you can see the dates given or vacation time taken, and how the available balance is figured.
Source Definitions
The “Source” column shows how the time off activity was added or taken.
- Time Card: This means the time off activity was entered directly on your time card, either by you or your employer.
- Employer Edit: This means your employer bypassed your time card (if you use a time card) and made an adjustment directly to your time-off history.
- Payroll Adjustment: This shows any adjustments entered through payroll.
- Accrued: This shows if your employer uses a rule to automatically calculate and give time off hours over a period of time.