Prefunded Example

Prefund Week 1
Target Prefunded Balance Entered View Details
Prefund Collection View Details
Prefund Collection Successful View Details
Payroll Run Date View Details
Target Prefunded Balance Entered

You set a Target Prefunded Balance for the Company to $1000.

Prefund Week 2
Pay Date and Prefund Collection View Details
Current Prefunded Balance is Replenished View Details
Pay Date and Prefund Collection

The employees of the company are paid.

Patriot withdraws the $200 from Company's business bank account to replenish the current prefunded balance. The Current Prefunded balance is still at $800, and will remain there until it is replenished. The withdrawal from the business bank account to replenish the current prefunded balance always occurs on the pay date.

Prefunded Example

Monday Target Prefunded Balance Entered

You set a Target Prefunded Balance for the Company to $1000.

Tuesday Prefund Collection

Patriot withdraws Target Prefund Balance of $1000 from Company's business bank account. The collection always happens the next banking day after the Target Prefunded Balance is selected.

Thursday Prefund Collection Successful

Your Current Prefunded Balance is now established. You will now be able to use the $1,000 prefunded balance in a payroll. Your target prefunded balance is always available to use in a payroll 3 banking days after the target prefunded balance is selected. You could run a payroll today with a pay date as soon as tomorrow.

Friday Payroll Run Date

You run a payroll for $200 before the cutoff time, and set the pay date to Monday (the next banking day). The Current Prefunded Balance decreases to $800.

*To use pre-funding, the pay date must take place 3 or less days from the payroll run date. If it is more than 3 days, you will use Regular ACH 4-Day Timing, and your Prefunding Balances will remain untouched.

Monday (Week 2) Pay Date and Prefund Collection

The employees of the company are paid.

Patriot withdraws the $200 from Company's business bank account to replenish the current prefunded balance. The Current Prefunded balance is still at $800, and will remain there until it is replenished. The withdrawal from the business bank account to replenish the current prefunded balance always occurs on the pay date.

Wednesday (Week 2) Current Prefunded Balance is Replenished

Company's Current Prefunded Balance will be replenished to total $1,000. You can now run payrolls dated after today for the full prefunded balance. The Current Prefunded Balance is always replenished 2 banking days after the pay date.